We at Lux Afrique aim to demonstrate why we will be the pioneers in showcasing what Africa hidden little secrets. Loisaba, which from the outset has beautiful, abundant wildlife that incorporates pure luxury. Its accommodation is comfortable beyond measure and guest will leave feeling the best they have in a long time.

A visit to Loisaba will revive your mind, body and soul and ensure the fresh you is ready to take on the world and all its element. While staying at Losiaba, guest can look forward to staying in a luxurious and authentically African setting. Apart from that, they can also look forward to the award winning pampering sessions and will be looked after by experienced individuals with the perfect atmosphere and energy of the wild of Africa.
One feature that sets them apart from others is that of their ‘Star Beds’ which is essential giving its guest the feeling that they are sleeping under the stars.

The unique Star beds are handcrafted from wood and partially covered with a thatched roof. They can then be wheeled into the open deck area for a night under the stars which in itself is a once in a lifetime experience that you wouldn’t forget.
This feature by Loisaba can normally be reached by foot, horse ride, camel ride or vehicle with the option of two sets of ‘Star Beds’ now available allowing for a unique opportunity to travel between them both as part of their Star Bed Expedition.
The partnership was created within Loisaba with the Laikipia Maasai people from the Koija community. This gives it an authentic feel because of the local venture they have set up to give something positive back to the people and for the chance of their community/star beds becoming a worldwide luxury experience.
They have broken down their ideal holiday into three subdivision:
• Mind – Their aim is for guests to leave with their minds awaken to the natural beauty found in Africa and think more clearly about the basics of life that will bring things into better focus.
• Body – As they have outlined, Loisaba was made for adventure with guest given the freedom to choose how they spend their time e.g. rafting, camel riding, and horseback riding or even driving through the wild canyons.
• Soul – They aim to bring about profound peace and serenity with the idea of them being looked after so that they can be free to roam unconfined and undisturbed.